I seem to be making a few mistakes recently. Getting in a lot of scrapes. Let's pretend that when I dropped the soap down the sink and blocked it for a month, or spilled bleach on my trousers, that I had two giant hams for hands and therefore it wasn't my fault at all.
It's nice that when I go to Blue Granny's for the day all is forgotten. She said she couldn't possibly mend all the holes in my clothes that I'd rent since last time, but she sure did darn my spirits! Even though we did have fist of ham for lunch.
It was delicious though. With very buttery mash, sweet turnip and carrots. Two puddings obvs followed- apple pie AND trifle. The mistake there was following that with an afternoon of maids of honour and crumpets. I'm still in pain now. If only my fists were made of ham then I couldn't pick up all those cakes!