Went to Anish Kapoor twice today in a serendipitous twist on the worst day of my life (aka the penultimate day of the exhibition. FYI I can't go tomorrow as I'm helping Blue Granny put up her christmas decorations. She says I'm more agile than her). I was practically crying red waxy tears as I sauntered through it for the last time with Dave. We had a dreamy mince pie to cheer us up as we waited for the canon to loose. Dave's Mum, Annie, has made her best batch yet this year. The icing sugar rose off it in a cloud and mingled with the wax. At least I've left my mark.
We then went to Topshop and got changed for the evening and went for a milkshake at The Diner in Carnaby Street.
Banana Milkshake Recipe: Chop bananas, freeze them, empty into blender. Whurl witz with milk. For the morning add natural yoghurt then go wild in the evening with icecream. If you've got a sweet tooth then add brown yoghurt. If you want extra PEP go for cinammon. Why not.You can have much milkshake as you like as long as you run as much as me tonight for all the buses we chased back from town. It was an olympic feat.
Then we went to a free drinks magazine launch with chaz, bob, mark, jim, and jodie which was nice. Lovely having girl time with Bob and Chaz. Dave and Alex said they couldn't hear what words we girls were saying- it was just all intonation and high pitches! Once that got dull we went for a drink in the east before Dave and I ditched them for chips and pizza which we gobbled up before we hit home. I can't imagine living in the olden days when smart people didn't eat on the street!
Dave and I are about to curl up so sweet dreams angel delights xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s one last tip. We'd run out of milk so dave and I used single cream for our bedtime tea. Dave thought it similar to blue top. Like being on holiday. Fresh off a cow's teat.
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