Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Young, dumb, and full of lasagne

Firstly, i'm ever so ill. Moral of the story is don't ever invite strangers in for tea and rock buns as they probably have loads of germs. The flat just isn't used to foreign antibodies.

To combat this I went to Morrinov after my sleep in and bought loads of vegetables to make a vegelez lasagne to beat all others. Sweet potato, butternut squash, aubergine, red onions, red and yellow peppers, and cherry tomatoes. Also a few tangerines to pop in my mouth to keep me busy till it's cooked.
It's looking ever so nice. I roasted the chopped veg for an hour to soften it then layered it all up with the lasagne sheets and a cheese sauce. Also sneaked in some layers of cheese between the pasta blankets. I need cushioning if I'm going to be battered around so much!

MMm what a dreamboat! Bet you wish you were round here for dinner. I forgot it was the boys' pizza, beer and football night so had buckets of it lying about unwanted. Think they've scored an own goal in this case!

Night night peaches xxxxxx

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