Got back from work this afternoon, finished off my mountainous chocolate sundae from the day before and fell into a swoony sleep for two whole hours. Swimming in and out of consciousness I thought I could hear Marky rustling in the kitchen. Dave was due at 7pm and right on time he snuggled into my bed for a last few precious sleepy moments. We were roused by Marky who had indeed whipped us up a treat of spinach quesadillas from the waitrose app. They were absolutely delish. They probably had some more ingredients in them but I can't ask him now as I'm late night blogging in the bath (no internet in my room) and he's watching a noisy action film in his room. I know he baked them in the oven, unlike mine which I do in the frying pan.
A bit later who should turn up but Alex, swiftly followed by Roast. Unfort by the latter's arrival we'd munched up the grub so Mother Fran fixed him a cheese and tomato toasted pitta which he enjoyed immensely.
Luckily he know what he likes and he likes what he knows!
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