Sunday 9 January 2011


Really don't know how you normal people cope with having every weekend off. They're exhausting. So much pressure to do fun things. At least at work I'm guaranteed a McDonalds, a good session watching the Yesterday channel, and some colouring in time before 5 o'clock.

Luckily help was at hand with Alex itinerising our every breath.
1) Dalston Kingsland 12pm. (12.13pm if you're Chazney i.e. late)
2) Froggat Frondsley for the Freud museum 12.45pm. 1 hour allowed for browsing Freud's pot plants and me pretending I know everything about psychoanalysis. Psychology BSc I'll have you know.
3) 1.45 pm. Walk to Hampstead Heath via pubs to keep us hydrated/sedated. Time off for dog blogging photos.
4) 2.30pm Dawdling built in. For someone with such an athletic physique I'm actually quite bad at walking. Need pushing up hills.
5) 3.15pm. The desert boots were well and truly spoiled
6) Nice pub 3.30pm. Muddy, dog savaged, yet incredibly happy we sat down in the door way to eat.

p.s got a really cool dog to come and talk to me by smearing my fingers with gammon juice and waving a gammon bone in his face.

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