Thursday 21 February 2013

Finger food

As i may have mentioned, to  purify our bodies which are probably as clogged as Indian rivers, we decided to cut out wheat, sugar and alcohol this holiday. We're sure Mum is going to derail us from the latter, but so far, it's 3.15pm on the second day and we're doing pretty well. Yesterday I threw a demi-panic outside the nearest food selling establishment on our walk to lunch (thus forcing us into the arms of the bakery next door). And this morning I crossed my fingers that my savoury donuts were crafted from cashew flour and coconut water. BUT, I refused to let Ro buy mars bars, and we had rice, daal, and beet root stuff for lunch. Eating food with your fingers is even harder than chopsticks FYI. Food kept slipping from my hand. Still, eating slower and smaller mouthfuls is much better for eating less. No wonder all the locals looks so thin! I am on my way to a hot shanty body!

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