Tuesday 31 March 2015

Coffing up the patriarchy

Watching the last episode in the season of Girls today I was dismayed to hear Jessa instruct a whimpering man to "BE A MAN".

Don't you mean be an adult Jessa?

She meant he needed to take responsibility for the situation. When people say someone is being a girl, they mean child. Shying away from a hard, scary, dirty situation. Man equals strength, pride and mastery.

Coffee is something men seem to have stolen as one of their own. Dark, strong, gives you a headache, yeah tough guy. I practically ground those beans myself with my huge strong feet. And only my large flared nostrils can take in that heady scent. Hey lady, careful, it might knock you out.

I was getting a coffee at a van a little while ago and the man said "ooh what about a mocha?" and because I'm polite I took it. But I just wanted a coffee! I can drink things without the inclusion of chocolate and nailvarnish you know! or whatever mocha has in it.

Coffee should just be for adults. Unisex. Men already own beards and bikes and vinyl and bookshops, and all tools, beer, lawnmowers, and fountain pens and sticky ribs, and oxford shirts, and ten eggs, and hunks of bread and dripping, and pies with a whole chicken in it stuffed inside a goose stuffed inside an ostrich, and animal fat.

I'm going to start reclaiming all strong flavours as unisex adult. I'm going to make a dish of anchovies, olives, gherkins, chilli, soy sauce and capers crushed with a hammer, then marinated in beer and served as a stew on crusty bread. MMMMMMM.

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