Wednesday 22 February 2012

We've (bisc)Quit

After being shut in the basement of a so called workplace for the last ten months it's no wonder my puns are as shaky as my restraint damaged legs. I've been as abused as a binger's throat.

So to try and wipe this from my mind I traversed to Epping Forest with my very sweet colleague to set the world to rights, after eating all the biscuits and snacks her Mum had made/bought that week. I think I left the jammy dodgers and a chocolate covered brazil nut.

The cheesecake is made with ricotta and pine nuts and crumbly bits. I think it might be Russian in origin. Who knows? Both latter sentences may be entirely incorrect. Sometimes it's all my tongue can do to discern between sugar and something that I would spit out as it doesn't contain sugar.

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