Friday 19 April 2013

Dave welcomed me and Spring through the door today for brunch. I skipped in like the newly shorn lamb I am  with an arm of cherry blossom stolen from the tree in the church yard next door. I'd subtly lingered by it for ten minutes whilst on the phone to my Grampa until the two elderly church garden attendants got distracted by their aching bent backs. What? I was already doing one good old person deed.  I'm not Diana!

Dave had luckily planned to make a breakfast with just as much bounce as me. We were having Nigel Slater's banana and berry muffins. But as we didn't have a  muffin tin as Lottie and Will had sold it to buy drugs we had to settle for a loaf tin. Voluminous.

After about two hours it rose like the April sun itself . We basked in it just as happily,  but slightly too sated as we'd already filled up on porridge during the baking dawn.

p.s the picture is not in the slightest bit what it actually looked like as we ate it with our hands

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