Tuesday 19 March 2013


We managed to flee our valley prison into the open arms of the periyar tiger reserve area. It was warm and dry, and full of food which wasn't bananas, but it wasn't without its own dangers.
We got picked up by Suresh, the owner of the homestay late at night when we couldnt bear the other place a moment longer. For the three hour journey Mum and Ro slept, and I willing to do anything but be rude, chatted to Suresh the whole time. Big mistake.
He invited me up to the roof the next day to learn about meditation. He guided me how to breathe from my chest better, as I again wished I could learn to vocalise it when I don't want someone to touch me. Then he showed me a reflexology food massage. He thought this would be better in the dark. I was very glad when someone tripped over us.
After gently explaining to Suresh that though he had never felt a connection like this with anyone, this was just how I spoke to everyone (joke, as if i explained that, i just hid from him), Mum, Ro and I went on a nice day of bamboo rafting and trekking. Our tuk tuk driver asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him up the mountain the next day. Hmm. I think the excuse of chaperones is appropriate in India.
Just as I was recovering from that we came across a herd of elephants grazing in the wild and had to run away before they mistook us for bamboo. Quite a big day!

Luckily we had a nice relaxing evening meal of partha, and this really nice rice with bits of pineapple and grapes in it. Just fruity enough for me!

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