Sunday 10 March 2013

Pet me

I've discovered this new food called paratha. It's dimply and chewy and has me just tearing into its wheaty flesh. It falls apart in your mouth. It reminds me a little of Indian ladies' back fat. Even the slimmest lady has a few rolls due to the sari blouse sucking the skin in tight only to let it seep out of the hem. I want to pet it like I would a shar pei. The closest I've got is Ro letting me lick her cheek in return for an errand from me.
I can't help thinking that Dave would let me if I was on holiday with him. In Vietnam I'm sure we used to play something called,'what flavour am I stocking today?' where I would have to lick his armpit and pronounce the taste. 

Hmmm salty as the tears of 1000 abandoned babies. 
Ooh dank as an unused groin.
Mmmm sweet as the flaky flakes of icing on a pecan slice. 

For now I shall stick with paratha even though I regularly eat so much that I can't sleep.

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