Thursday 21 March 2013

Karm down

As part of our stay here we have to do karma yoga. Ro and I so eager to please, put our hands up first, only to realise the first task was cleaning the dormitory toilets. For once i'm glad that we don't get much fruit given to us here. Yesterday's treat was one grape with dinner. It means a lot less to mop up.

Unfort after five sweaty days of it it started to grind. Ro and I had attempted to whip our team into shape but two fellow toilet cleaners kept not showing up. Well, just wait till they show. I vowed to use up all the rubber gloves. I'll wear five pairs at once (i have sensitive skin) and they can pick up all the shower swollen tampons with their hands.

On the penultimate day one of our ashram NBFs broke. She asked the supervisor if she could perhaps say hello to her before coming in and ordering her about. Some well meaning colleague interjected. "Err karma yoga is a selfless act, you shouldn't want praise for it. It does hurt your ego to clean toilets but that's a good thing. Once your ego is quashed you can get close to God.."

Pah. Today we're going to punish that pious girl by wearing scanty clothes to cleaning. It's so grimy in there that we could do a pretty convincing Christina Aguilera 2001.

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