Wednesday 4 August 2010

Happy Birdday!

Responsible parents and animal rights lovers look away now. It was Marky's birthday on Friday and we were incredibly naughty. We got him two zebra finches in a pretty lime and orange cage.

We could hardly draw ourselves away from them to mooch out to dinner at one of the local Vietnameses but somehow we managed and it was very enjoyable. I of course had prawns and managed to stay away from Alex tricking me into slurping up chillies. Ouch.

After aperitifs in the Stag's until 11 we stumbled on to Angel for a few hours of Stewart Lee at the Screen on the Green. As we sank into large velvet sofas I knew I was going to have trouble staying awake, however funny he was. Luckily the men next to me enjoyed plying me with sweets to keep me awake. Figured that even if they were rohypnolled it'd be an excuse to sleep, so a win win.

Nearly had another meal at on the way home but as we approached McDonalds the lights dimmed and that hope with it.

Sweet slumber petals xxxxxxx

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