Wednesday 18 August 2010

Bake me, I'm yours!

Avoiding boys like I do means I often have to seek elsewhere for comfort. You can imagine therefore how much I relished soaking up this great wedge of homemade lemon sponge with homemade lemon curd. It was a cuddle for the mouth. Certainly got jammed into mine enough whilst I was sleeping (thanks Alex).

Alex had made it for Roast's birthday picnic which we ate at Kew Gardens.
Also attending were 4 boxes of strawberries, double cream, cheese straws, baguettes, dips and crudites, mini Cornish pasties, mini other unidentifiable pastries, Kit Kats, Mr Kiplings and a little salade on the side. I ate as much as I could and never felt right again throughout the day.

Via a market where I ill-advisedly purchased the biggest olive ciabatta ever for dinner we nestled up together on the long train home, transferring ourselves straight into bed from there.

If only I'd stayed like that as my plan of a night on the town was thwarted by a very bad stomach ache from all that food. Bad olive ciabatta! Bad baguette! Bad cheese straws!

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