Friday 18 June 2010

Shockolate cake

Since the days of Bob and I not knowing what to do with the excess tiramusu at BBQs I've always considered the mark of a good party to be sticking ones face in the chocolate cake. Luckily I didn't have to put any effort in as someone did it for me. Twice.
For such a recipe to party success I'd recommend having friends who will buy you extra special chocolate cupcakes from Peyton and Byrne and a massive silver foil vat of indiscriminate chocolatey cake for the main course. Save the one Mother made for eating.
Also have lots of cava bien merci et vous as the bottles double up as bats for after lunch games of rounders in Regent's park!

Also smoked salmon, chorizo, baguettes, brie, crisps, doughnuts and grapes wash down quite nicely.

Thanks cherubs xxxxxxxxxx

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