Saturday 6 February 2010

Cream of the crop

Went to Blue Granny's on Friday for dinner, a hot bath, a game of scrabble (I won) and a good sleep. I was very tired after my first week of work. Watching Itv3 all day takes it out of you.
For pudding we had cute blackberry fools. Mine was topped with cream. I think you make them with: 2 cups blackberries, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tsp fresh lemon juice, 2 cups heavy cream,1/2 tsp vanilla extract. Blend berries, sugar and lemon until smooth, discard seeds by sieving, combine cream and vanilla- whip to stiff peaks, fold berry puree into cream. Put into a cute pot and chill. I'd definitely make them myself if I had the right vessels. I nearly had a second one later on in the evening they were so soothing but I decided it wasn't healthy and instead accidentally polished off all of Granny's Terry's chocolate orange bits.

This is how Granny lays out the breakfast table before she goes to sleep. If I had a table and a tablecloth I would also do that.

Sweet slumber fruitiepies xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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