Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Day two

After ANOTHER day at work I got home, washed work off with a nice hot bath and settled in for a lovely soothe with Dani Bristol. We made a gorge corge mushroom and broccoli quiche and had it with parsley mash. I wondered if we should have gravy with it but I don't think I wondered that aloud. I'm not in the Friery now. We clambered into bed to eat that followed by "hot apple pastry pudding" and a good gooey helping of The Notebook.
We didn't think we'd had enough vegelez yet so I asked Dani if she'd teach me to knit. She'd bought me a red ball of wool to practise on as she knows it's my favourite colour. I made a whole row of knits. I'm going to make a square as my first bit of knitting. Maybe it could be a soggy coaster. Might take it to work tomorrow as otherwise I don't think i'll ever have time to get it done!

Then we snuggled down to bed. I became very alarmed when I couldn't find Dani to say goodnight but then I realised she was wearing the cath kidston jarmies and had got too camouflaged in the duve. The duck light soon illuminated her.

Sleep tight softies xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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